- Start
- About the City of Stockholm
- How the City of Stockholm is governed
- Nature, parks and green spaces
Nature, parks and green spaces
Large continuous green spaces, lakes, watercourses, parks and green corridors offer Stockholm residents close and easy access to greenery.
Just over half of the municipality’s area consists of greenery, and the City has several nature reserves, a cultural reserve and large parts of the Royal National City Park. Stockholm’s unique green values are important for the quality of life enjoyed by Stockholmers. They contribute to a vibrant and safe city, as well as reducing the risks of climate impact.
Stockholm is growing (in Swedish)
The Transport Department has responsibility to safeguard the green areas in the City. The Head of City Gardening works in this department.
Together with the city district departments and the City Development Department, the Transport Department creates new parks and green corridors all around the City. The Transport Department is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of six of the City’s parks – Kungsträdgården, Berzelii Park, Strömparterren, Norra Bantorget, Årstafältet, and the Järva green wedge with the Igelbäcken cultural reserve and Hansta nature reserve.
The Transport Committee (in Swedish)
The city district departments are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the parks and green spaces located within each city district area.
The Environment and Health Department is responsible for environmental monitoring and investigations of measures in the City’s aquatic environments.
The Environment and Health Department
Policy documents
City Plan
The City Plan is where the City describes how buildings and the use of land and water in the City of Stockholm develops.
City Plan for the City of Stockholm (in Swedish)
Environment Programme
The City’s environment programme for the period 2020–2023 formulates goals to meet Stockholm’s toughest challenges.
Environment Programme 2030 (pdf)
Action plan for decent water status
This plan is an action programme that aims for decent ecological and chemical water status.