Operational and quality development

Today’s and tomorrow’s challenges need to be met with quality development that includes continuous improvements, innovation and digitalisation.

The City of Stockholm has an important mission. What the city does matters to one million residents, and to everyone else in Stockholm. The city’s 45,000 employees contribute to quality of life and make a difference in people’s everyday lives.

The city has high ambitions and takes this mission seriously. It should be both legally secure and easy to access the city’s services and service, and it should be easy to do the right thing when meeting the city.

Residents and businesses should have confidence that the city always does its utmost to provide high quality. Our care encompasses today’s Stockholmers, but also future generations. A well-functioning and safe life, in an attractive, modern and accessible city, is a good measure of how well we succeed.

The city’s overall goals are described in the Vision, the Budget and Agenda 2030. Stockholm’s ambition is to provide services that are relevant and of high quality for both today’s and tomorrow’s Stockholmers. To get there, we need to work with systematic quality development that includes continuous improvements, innovation and digitalisation.

This is the background to the City of Stockholm’s quality programme. The quality programme provides all operations with guidance and a common understanding of the city’s ambitions for quality and operations development.

Stockholmers’ focus is the city’s focus

Stockholm’s ambition is to have the perspective of Stockholmers when we develop the city’s services. We need to understand the expressed and unspoken needs of the residents. Stockholmers should feel that the city listens to them and that their views and opinions matter.

In order for Stockholmers to be involved in the development of the city, daily as well as structured and systematic dialogues are required where they are given the opportunity to contribute. Through these dialogues, the city gets valuable insights and try out new ideas and services, to gain knowledge about needs and desires.

An important part of the dialogue is the feedback to Stockholmers to create an understanding of our priorities and decisions. That is, we listen and tell what we do, why we do it, and the results we achieve.

Stockholmers should know what to expect from the services that the city delivers. Therefore, everyone should be given a good opportunity for dialogue about expectations, perceived quality, and results. The starting point is that it should be easy for residents to participate, have their say and exert influence. The forms of dialogue should be adapted to needs and be constantly developed.

Innovation and renewal

The City’s quality work is linked to innovation work and digitalisation, with the goal of being a smart and connected city.


All city district departments, specialist departments and companies are responsible for quality work within their respective areas of activity. The City Executive Office is responsible for directing, leading and coordinating the City’s quality work, and is responsible for policy documents.
