Work against crime and violent extremism

Work against crime and violent extremism is a responsibility of several different government agencies.

The City of Stockholm works primarily with preventive measures, but also arranges outreach activities targeting people with high-risk behavioural patterns. Stockholm also runs a number of activities for those who want to leave a criminal lifestyle or violent extremist environments.

Stockholm undertakes long-term, ambitious work to ensure that the City is socially sustainable, with good living conditions for everyone. Residents should have the opportunity to fulfil their lives through study and work, and to enjoy vibrant and safe living environments.

Early investments in children and young people through schooling, for example, provide good conditions for finding a job in the long run, which reduces exclusion. Reduced exclusion also reduces the risk of being attracted to a criminal lifestyle, or recruitment into violent extremist organisations.

But sometimes, these early initiatives are not enough, and people make unfortunate life choices. The City of Stockholm works to reduce recruitment into crime and violent extremist environments, to capture people in the risk zone and provide ways out for those who want to leave a destructive lifestyle.

Work against crime

In addition to work on social sustainability, specific and targeted efforts are also required to prevent people from ending up in a criminal lifestyle. This work is mainly conducted primarily by the social services in the 14 city district departments, with coordination from the Social Services Department and the City Executive Office. The initiatives are aimed not only at children and young people, but also at adults.

Violent extremism

Violent extremism refers to movements, ideologies or environments that do not accept a democratic social order. Such movements can also use violence to achieve their ideological goals.

The City of Stockholm works to prevent new recruitment to violent extremist organisations, but will also offer support to those who want to leave such an environment.
