- Start
- About the City of Stockholm
- Organisation
- Specialist departments
- City Planning Department
City Planning Department
The City Planning Department is responsible for physical planning in the City of Stockholm. The Department works with comprehensive planning and detailed development plans, building permits, surveying, property formation and home adaptation.
In more concrete terms, this means that the City Planning Department
- is responsible for the City of Stockholm’s comprehensive plan, which describes how Stockholm's spatial environment is to be developed in the long term
- is responsible for detailed development planning that determines the location and design of areas, buildings, parks, green areas, infrastructure, etc.
- works with strategic planning for social sustainability, water, climate adaptation and issues relating to noise and risk
- examines and makes decisions on issues relating to building permits, and is responsible for the supervision of issues including unauthorised building
- produces different kinds of maps of the City, digital city models and 3D visualisations, and handles issues relating to property formation
- investigates needs and makes decisions on grants for home adaptations for people with permanent disabilities.
The elected representatives on the City Planning Committee make decisions on how the City should work with this operational area. The City Planning Department must then execute the committee’s decisions.
The City Planning Department’s operations are led by Director of City Planning Amanda Horwitz. The City Planning Office consists of four divisions, as well as administrative management and staff.
City Survey Division
This Division is responsible for basic geographical data, as well as issues relating to property formation and surveying in connection with city planning.
Contact the City Survey Division
Planning Division
The Planning Division deals with matters concerning detailed development plans, but is also responsible for comprehensive planning programmes for bigger areas.
Planning work is based on Stockholm’s geography and local conditions. Depending on whereabouts your project is, there are different contact persons.
Building Permit Division
Responsible for issues relating to building permits and building applications, as well as supervision of unauthorised building and control of ventilation and lifts. Investigates needs and makes decisions on grants for home adaptations for people with permanent disabilities.
Contact the Building Permit Division
Contact the Home Adaptation Unit
Operational support
The Operational support Division is responsible for finance, HR, IT, the City Planning Department’s office, as well as registry and archives.
Email: stadsbyggnadskontoret@stockholm.se
Administrative management and staff
Provide strategic support to the Director of City Planning and are responsible for general issues concerning the City Planning Department’s operations.
City Architect Torleif Falk works closely together with the Director of City Planning.
E-mail: stadsbyggnadskontoret@stockholm.se
City Planning Department’s office
The office will help you find drawings and documents. This is done primarily through the e-service known as the Building and Planning Service. If additional assistance is needed to view documents, you can contact or visit the City Planning Department’s office. Outside the office there are self-service computers, where you can search and view all the documents that the City Planning Office has in a case. You can use the visitor computers even when the office is closed.