Audit Office

The Audit Office assists the elected auditors in their examination of the City’s committees and companies.

On behalf of the City Council, the Audit Office examines all operations run by the City’s committees, companies and foundations to the extent required by generally accepted auditing standards.

The City of Stockholm has 20 elected auditors to examine the City’s committees. They are also lay auditors for the City-owned companies. The auditors are elected by the City Council. External auditors and specialists are engaged in certain cases.


The Audit Office is led by City Auditor Anette Carlstedt and has around 20 employees.

Review of the City Executive Board, including the Council for Protection of Ecological and Aesthetic Matters and the Election Committee. Members of this group are elected as lay auditors to each fully-owned municipal company and operational foundation. The Audit Group coordinates all auditing of the municipal group.

Review of the Real Estate Committee, City Planning Committee, City Development Committee, Waste Management Committee, Transport Committee, Environment and Health Protection Committee, Sports Committee, Cemeteries Committee, Culture Committee, Service Committee, and Education Committee.

Review of all District Committees and the Social Services Committee, Labour Market Committee, Elderly Services Committee, Public Trustees Committee, and Preschool Committee.

The Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is responsible for all administration related to the audit function activities within the municipality, as well as establishing the audit office's organisational structure. For the Audit Committee, the provisions applicable to a committee in Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act shall apply.
