Labour Market Department

The Labour Market Department's role is to create effective measures to encourage more Stockholmers to find work, or start studying.

The Labour Market Department is responsible for:

  • labour market initiatives
  • adult education: SFI, Komvux and higher vocational education
  • coordinating holiday jobs for young people
  • providing activities for those aged 16-19 who are not pursuing upper secondary education
  • coordination of the City’s collaboration with the Swedish Public Employment Service
  • social orientation for new arrivals
  • coordination of the City’s work on the initial reception and establishment of new arrivals

The elected representatives on the Labour Market Committee make decisions on how the City should work in this area. The Labour Market Department must then implement the Committee’s decisions.


The Labour Market Department is led by Labour Market Director Karina Uddén. The department consists of two divisions; Jobbtorg Stockholm and Vuxenutbildning Stockholm.

Jobbtorg Stockholm is the City of Stockholm’s common gateway to the City’s labour market initiatives. The mission of the organization is to help Stockholmers achieve self-sufficiency or start through labour market initiatives and studies.

The Division is responsible for municipal adult education, including SFI (Swedish for Immigrants), special education for adults and higher vocational education under municipal management.

The Labour Market Department has three Units, all of which have an advisory, directing and controlling function vis-à-vis the administration.

  • Strategy and Coordination Unit
  • Finance Unit
  • HR and Communications Unit
