S:t Erik Försäkring AB

S:t Erik Försäkring insures operations conducted by the City of Stockholm and its affiliated companies. The company was founded in 1986 and is part of the Stockholms Stadshus AB Group.

S:t Erik Insurance's goal is to reduce the number of claims in the City's operations. The company shall contribute to the City of Stockholm's risk awareness and safety awareness so that damage is prevented, the City's services always work and that insurance costs are minimized.

S:t Erik Försäkrings uppdrag

  • Identify and manage insurable risks in collaboration with their customers within the City of Stockholm's municipal group
  • Incentivise the prevention and limitation of damage
  • Have collective knowledge of the municipal group's injuries and incidents
  • Offer needs-based and cost-effective insurance solutions


The work of S:t Erik Försäkring is led by CEO Mattias Westerlund. The company has eight employees in addition to the CEO.
