Bostadsförmedlingen i Stockholm AB

Bostadsförmedlingen i Stockholm AB has 125 employees. The company is part of the Stockholms Stadshus AB Group, which is owned by the City of Stockholm.

Bostadsförmedlingen provides vacant rental apartments within the City of Stockholm and large parts of the Stockholm region. Bostadsförmedlingen provides standard rental apartments, short-term contracts, apartments for senior citizens, apartments for young people and student apartments. Bostadsförmedlingen provides almost 20,000 apartments every year.

The elected representatives on Bostadsförmedlingen’s Executive Board make decisions on behalf of the company. Bostadsförmedlingen must then execute these decisions.


Bostadsförmedlingen i Stockholm AB is led by CEO Christer Edfeldt. The company consists of five divisions with responsibility for operations within each area.

Administrative Unit

The Administrative Unit provides business support to the operational functions at Bostadsförmedlingen. The Administrative Unit works with business development, HR, purchasing, legal and finance.

Digital Services

The Digital Services Division develops and manages digital solutions in line with Bostadsförmedlingen’s brief. The Division performs its task in close collaboration with the Development Division and the company’s other operations.


The Development Division works to develop Bostadsförmedlingen’s operations and business. Together with the units within Bostadsförmedlingen, the division runs development projects that aim to create benefit for housing applicants and property owners.


The Brokerage Division has the main responsibility for the brokerage service and the provision of service to landlords. The Division also has a priority unit, which is aimed at housing applicants with special housing needs.


The Marketing Division is tasked with increasing the inflow of housing for brokerage, but also serving as a knowledge hub about the rental market and demand. The Division is also responsible for external communication, internal communication, property owner relations and market analysis.

Customer Service provides support and assistance to housing applicants and in the management of My Pages. The Division is responsible for providing support via phone, email and customer reception.
