- Start
- About the City of Stockholm
- Organisation
- City Executive Office
City Executive Office
The City Executive Office is the administrative body of the Municipal Executive Board. The office assists the Municipal Executive Board and the City Council in their brief to efficiently lead and coordinate the entire City of Stockholm’s operations.
The City Executive Office’s brief to govern, develop and coordinate the City’s operations is based on the majority budget being agreed in close dialogue and collaboration with departments and companies. The brief includes ensuring sound finances in the City in both the short and long term through active financial control.
The City Executive Office analyses and monitors the City’s development on a strategic level, so that it can provide advice and suggestions for improvements to the Municipal Executive Board and the City Council. The City Executive Office coordinates major projects and cases that involve several committees or departments, and promotes innovation and collaboration between the public sector, academia and trade and industry.
The work of the City Executive Office is led by Fredrik Jurdell, CEO of Stockholm. The City Executive Office consists of one administrative unit and eight divisions with responsibility for operations within each area.
The CEO’s secretariat
The CEO leads and delegates work within the Office, is responsible for general issues and for operations within his or her operational area to the Municipal Executive Board and its committees and commissions.
The CEO’s secretariat leads work to develop structures and the organisation to facilitate the City’s innovation work.
The CEO’s Unit
The CEO’s Unit coordinates the City Executive Office’s political work and the Office’s general strategic planning, as well as supporting the CEO and Deputy CEOs. The Unit’s responsibilities include
- coordinating the Office’s case flow and providing support in work to streamline internal processes
- coordinating the Office’s operational planning and follow-up
- the City’s strategic collaboration with academia and higher education in the region
- support for and management of certain strategic projects
- design and coordination of the City’s strategic collaboration with Region Stockholm and other municipalities
- strategic intelligence, social analysis and investigations
- follow-up on the City’s Vision 2040.
The Unit also includes the City’s ombudsmen; the Ombudsman for Children, the Ombudsman for the Disabled and the Ombudsman for the Elderly.
The Unit’s work is led by the Head of the CEO’s Unit.
Email: Funktion.Staben.SLK@stockholm.se
Welfare Division
The Welfare Division is responsible for governance of and follow-up on the welfare sector, as well as the City’s quality and innovation work. The Division is also responsible for the City’s statistics.
Also included is responsibility for
- internal control
- user surveys
- work against violent extremism
- preventive work on public safety
- contacts with civil society
- human rights, including gender equality
- national minorities
- investments in public safety
- coordination of work on housing for new arrivals
- coordination of issues relating to the work on the 2030 Agenda.
Operations are led by the Head of Division.
Email: valfard.slk@stockholm.se
Email for questions about the City’s work on the 2030 Agenda: funktion.agenda2030.slk@stockholm.se
Division for City Development
This Division coordinates the City’s housing construction and climate work. The Division also coordinates major infrastructure projects, is responsible for the Municipal Group’s investments together with the Finance Division, and plays a coordinating role in negotiations with external parties.
Operations are led by the Head of Division.
Email: funktion.stadsutveckling.slk@stockholm.se
Security Division
This Division coordinates the City of Stockholm's work on security and is responsible for, among other things, overall coordination of the City’s work on
- civil contingency planning
- civil defence
- security protection
- personal security issues
- accident prevention work.
The Division also organises the City’s Officer on Duty (TiB) and is responsible for coordinating City-wide security guards and security cameras, as well as the City’s involvement in the Stockholm Resilience Region.
Operations are led by the Chief Security Officer.
Email: sakerhet.slk@stockholm.se
Finance Division
This Division prepares and follows up on the City’s budget and is responsible for accounting, financial statements and annual reports, financial strategy and internal banking. Other important areas are financial control, following up on efficiency, general analyses of economic development, and monitoring and investigation of issues of strategic relevance to the City.
The Division conducts financial analyses and evaluations of the Municipal Group, and has overall coordinating responsibility for the Municipal Group’s finance and Group reporting systems. The division is also responsible for strategic procurement issues, and for internal departmental finance and procurement functions.
The division is led the Chief Financial Officer.
Email: slk-finansavdelningen.slk@stockholm.se
Division for IT and Digitalisation
Through administration and development, the Division aims to ensure an appropriate, cost-efficient, City-wide IT environment. This task is also a prerequisite for development work by departments and companies to achieve a smart, connected city. The brief involves close collaboration with the City’s central system owners.
In collaboration with other divisions in City Executive Office, the Division for IT and Digitalisation has to prepare policy documents and guidelines in the area of IT and digitalisation, and be involved in following up on these. The Division will continue to develop vendor management for the future.
The Division will also support departments, companies and other parts of the City Executive Office with operational responsibility in their digitalisation work through the development of common working methods, skills development and advice.
The Division is led the Chief Information Officer.
Email: funktion.it@stockholm.se
Legal Division
The Division provides service to the City Council, the Municipal Executive Board, its committees, commissions and councils, as well as to the Mayor’s and Vice Mayors’ offices and the offices of the political parties.
Its responsibilities include the formal examination of cases decided by the City Council and the Municipal Executive Board, and the taking of minutes at their meetings. Also included is responsibility for the case, document and information management by the Municipal Executive Board.
The Division provides legal advice to the City’s committees, departments, companies, foundations and municipal associations. The Division conducts legal research and acts as representative in negotiations in and outside the courts, as well as providing training, drawing up and examining agreements, and participating in preparatory work.
The Division also works on development projects in the areas of case, document and information management, and administers City-wide systems.
The Division is led the Chief City Lawyer.
Email: slk-juridiska.avdelningen@stockholm.se
Communications and External Relations Division
This Division is responsible for leading the City’s communication work, and manages and develops the overall policy documents for communication. Its responsibilities include common channels such as City information boards, social media and the City’s digital structure, including an intranet.
The Division is also responsible for the City’s strategic and coordinating work to develop Stockholm as a leading sustainable event city.
The Division monitors EU issues, coordinates overall lobbying work with the EU and matches the City’s major investments with EU funds, as well as providing strategic support and following up on international work. The Division’s responsibilities also include official representation duties of municipal leadership and foreign professional study visits.
The Division’s brief also includes letting out the City Hall’s banqueting rooms, tour-related activities and the administration of civil weddings in the City Hall.
The Division is led by the Director of Communications and External Affairs.
Email: kommunikations-och-omvarldsavdelningen@stockholm.se
Human Resources Division
This Division leads and develops the City’s HR work, thereby contributing to the development of the City of Stockholm as an attractive employer.
The Division works on HR issues and prepares matters for the Personnel and Equal Opportunities Committee and for the Municipal Executive Board/City Council.
The Division is responsible for work with the City’s central collaboration group, Cesam.
The Division is responsible for the City’s
- strategic skills supply
- strategic HR development and managerial recruitment
- employer, transition and pension issues
- administration and development of HR systems.
The Division is also responsible for the City Executive Office’s internal HR function and internal services.
The Division is led the Director of HR.
Email: slk-personalstrategiska.avdelningen@stockholm.se
The Council for Protection of Ecological and Aesthetic Matters is a municipal unit within the City of Stockholm and as such is responsible to the City Council.
The website of the Council for the Protection of Ecological and Aesthetic Matters