Committees and Executive Boards

Politically controlled committees and boards govern the day to day work carried out by the City's administrations and companies. The politicians in the committees and the members of the boards are appointed by the Municipal Council.

The District Councils make decisions about municipal services and care for those who live in the district area. Some of these issues are preschools, care for the elderly, support and service for people with disabilities, urban environment work, social psychiatry, individual and family care, consumer guidance, leisure and cultural activities.

The specialist committees make decisions on activities that apply throughout the city, such as schools, sports, the environment, culture, street maintenance and urban planning.

A certain part of the City of Stockholm's operations are run by municipally owned companies. They are coordinated by the Board of Directors of Stockholms Stadshus AB.

Dates, decisions, documents, minutes and agendas for meetings of committees and boards of directors are in most cases available digitally. Links can be found on the respective board's or board of directors' pages.

Committees and Executive Boards
