The Reality Lab is the city's test bed for developing the care of the elderly for the future. A major challenge is how we can Testbeds
manage dignified, quality and efficient care for the elderly. The number of elderly people is increasing, even though most people are staying healthy longer than before. At the same time, there are fewer people of working age, and competition for labour is expected to be intense.
In the Reality Lab, we test and validate products, working methods and services. It is a unique arena for co-creation between the elderly, relatives, staff, innovators, students and researchers. Since elderly care consists of many different activities, we work across geographical and organizational boundaries to find staff, users and relatives who are suitable to participate in each individual case. The tests we help to introduce are at different stages of the innovation process, ranging from participating in research projects on the needs of the elderly to organizing focus groups that evaluate product concepts, or evaluating new services and products in daily operations.
The Reality Lab's website (in Swedish)
Hornsgatan is used as a test bed for several innovative projects to learn more about what we need to do to control traffic smarter and minimize environmental pollution. There are fixed measurement sites prepared to also be able to take in new parameters. It can be about emission levels, traffic speed or vehicle types in traffic, which can be measured at prepared places along the route.
In the Innovation Zone, tests and research projects take place where many parts of the city's operations will collaborate, share data and learn from each other. Collaborations with academia and industry play a major role in finding technical solutions for, for example, data sharing or installations. Often, the tests are followed or supplemented by research projects.
Stockholm Royal Seaport is a sustainability-profiled area with the mission to test and develop new solutions and working methods for a more sustainable future.